Kimberly and Shirley Graham
Normalville, Pennsylvania

Welcome to our homepage, please come in and stay for awhile. Go with us to the Korat pages to learn about our kitties and view some photos of them. We have available kittens born May 23, 2012. Please phone or e-mail for info and pictures.

Any questions? Contact us by telephone at (724) 455-8367 or you may

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Regional Winner Supreme Grand Champion Mistyblue Artemis (TICA). Artemis is 14th Best Cat, 10th Best Shorthair Cat and Best Korat for the Mid Atlantic Region for the show year 2010-11. she is The International Cat Association's Best Korat of The Year 2011.

To enter our Korat page click on the picture of Artemis.

© photo: Helmi Flick

Here is a picture of RW SGCA Mistyblue's Celestial Blue (TICA) CH Honeygraham's Celestial Blue (CFA). Celeste received first best of breed Korat award for the great lakes region for the show year 2003-2004.(CFA) and first best korat breed award in the mid atlantic region for the show year 2003-2004(TICA). Celeste is 11th best cat, 9th best shorthair and best Korat cat in the MA region for the show year 2004-2005. Celeste is best korat cat, 15th best shorthair cat and 19th best cat for the show year 2005-2006, MA region (TICA). She is 9th best alter in MA region for show year 2006-2007 (TICA). Celeste is 13th Best Alter and Best Korat Alter for the Mid Atlantic Region show year 2010-11.

View additional pictures of our blue furry babies by clicking on the picture of Celeste.

© photo: Olan Mills

This is Mikey of Mistyblue, he came to us from the Butler County Humane Society at the age of three months. He is our domestic shorthair boy and he is very sweet and loveable. He enjoys watching the birds and the squirrels at the feeder while sitting inside nice and warm on his favorite cat tree. He enjoys the company of our Korat girl, Satin, his favorite playmate. This picture was taken in July 2009 when mommy and Mikey were outside enjoying the warm sunny summer weather. Mikey was shown in one TICA show and placed Twelfth Best Household Kitten in 2009 for the Mid Atlantic Region.

To view our companion page click on the picture of Mikey.